Monday, February 13, 2012

Nik Aziz Gesa Anwar Tarik Balik Kenyataan Sokong Israel

Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) mengulangi pendirian yang berterusan dan tetap dengan prinsip, sekali-kali tidak mengiktiraf negara haram Israel sebagaimana yang juga ditegaskan menerusi pendirian di kalangan gerakan Islam antarabangsa, serta menyokong sepenuhnya perjuangan rakyat Palestin yang dihina di bumi sendiri. 

Negara haram Israel diwujudkan oleh kuasa besar dunia secara zalim tanpa sifat perikemanusiaan dan sepatutnya ditentang oleh semua peradaban manusia. 

Wajib ke atas umat Islam bukan sahaja di bumi Palestin malah seluruh dunia, berusaha sedaya upaya untuk membebaskan Palestin sepenuhnya. Adalah haram menerima kewujudan negara yang haram. Maka PAS menolak penyelesaian dua negara, satu untuk rakyat Palestin dan satu lagi bernama Israel untuk Yahudi Zionis. 

Keselamatan negara haram Israel juga bukanlah menjadi tanggungjawab yang dipikul oleh orang Arab atau umat Islam, kerana ditegakkan negara haram itu sendiri di atas dasar kezaliman. Islam sebagai agama yang sangat mementingkan hak asasi, keadilan, keharmonian dan hubungan baik antarabangsa, tentu sekali tidak dapat berkompromi dalam isu kezaliman 

Saya, selaku Mursyidul Am Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), dengan dipersetujui oleh seluruh ahli Majlis Syura Ulama PAS, menggesa Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim menarik balik kenyataannya seperti dilaporkan di Wall Street Journal. Sekiranya kenyataan itu dilaporkan secara salah atau membawa maksud yang berbeza, maka saya dan seluruh ahli Majlis Syura Ulama menasihatkan Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang dengan menyaman Wall Street Journal bagi membersihkan nama beliau. 

Dato Bentara Setia Hj. Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat 
Mursyidul Am Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) 
13 Februari 2012/ 20 Rabiul Awwal 1433 H


Profil Mursyidul Am IM

Name:  Mohamed Badie Abdul Mageed Samy
Date of Birth: 7/8/1943
Place of Birth: Mahalla Alkubra
Social Status: Married
Married to:  Samia Alshenawy Former Director of Islamic Dawaa School daughter of Brotherhood's pioneer Mohamed Ali Alshenawy (Pilot) who was sentenced to death in 1954 and later commuted to life sentence.
Children:  Ammar  (Computer Engineer), Bilal (Radiologist), Doha (Pharmacist)

Academic achievements:

·         Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine - Cairo in 1965
·         Lecturer, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Assiut in 1965.
·         Master of Veterinary Medicine and a teacher assistant in 1977 from the University of Zagazig. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and teacher of the year 1979 from the University of Zagazig.
·         Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medicine in 1983 - Zagazig University.
·         Expert Veterinary Institute in Sana'a 82 - 86
·         Professor of Veterinary Medicine in 1987 Cairo University - Beni Suef Branch.
·         Chairman of the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Beni Suef in 1990 for two sessions.
·         Under the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni Suef University for Graduate Studies in 1993 for a single session
·         Supervised 15 Masters Degree and 12 PhDs, and dozens of scientific researches in the field of specialty.

Current work:

·         Professor Department of Pathology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Beni Suef

Syndicate activity:

·         Secretary General of General Union of Veterinarians for two sessions.
·         Treasure of the Union of the medical profession for a single session.

Social and scientific activity:

·         Member of the Governing Council of the Islamic Welfare Association Mahalla Alkubra
·         Board Member, Staff Club, Cairo University 10 years, and supervisor of the branch club in Beni Suef.
·         Vice-Chairman of the Board and Islamic Call Society in Beni Suef in 1996.
·         Chairman of the Association of Housing staff members and their assistants at the University of Beni Suef.
·         Chairman of the Board of Directors of pathology and clinical pathology at the level of the Republic.
·         Chairman of the Journal of Veterinary Medical Research of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Beni Suef for 9 years.
·         Chairman of the Service Center, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the environment - Beni Suef.

Brotherhood responsibilities:

·         1975: Member of the administrative office Mahalla
·         1977: Leader of the administrative office Mahalla
·         1986: Educational Association official in Yemen up till 1986
·         1986: Member of the Administrative Office of Beni Suef
·         1990: Official in the administrative office Beni Suef 
·         1994:  Education official

Status with the movement:

·         1996: Member of executive guidance bureau
·         2007: Member of international guidance bureau
·         Arrests and detentions by State security:
·         1965:  Military tribunal with Professor Sayyed Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood, sentenced to 15 years, of which he spent 9 years,
·         1974:  Released and returned to work at the University of Assiut, and then transferred to the University of Zagazig, and then he flew to Yemen, he returned from there to the University of Beni Suef.
·         1998: Imprisoned for 75 days in the case of Islamic Call Society in Beni Suef where he was chairman
·         1999: Sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in the trade unionists court case. Released after 3 years.
·         2008: Arrested and detained for one month during municipal elections.


·         Articles and speeches on the movements' official website "Ikhwanonline"
·         "Quranic thoughts" presented in a series
·         Reviewed and presented the book "Understanding the Da'wa"


·         1999: Named as one of the 100 greatest Arab Scientists in the world. 

Sumber – IkhwanWeb